AAW supports Czech hunger strikers

AAW supports Czech hunger strikers, Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar, anti-USA missile site militants.

Americans Against the War has sent the following message to Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar militants who will be going on a hunger strike to protest the deployment of a U.S.A missile defense radar site in the Czeck Republic.

Scroll down to read Mr. Tamas's reasons for the hunger stike.

Dear Jan Tamas
Dear Jan Bednar

Please know that Americans Against the War - France totally supports your efforts to stop deployment of a U.S.A. missile defense radar site in the Czech Republic.


Hunger strike in the Czech Republic against US National Missile Defense project

Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 17:00:46 +0200

Dear friends,

We are writing to you to inform you of a very serious issue facing the
Czech Republic and Europe as a continent "EURO" the plan of the current US
administration to install two new military bases in Central Europe as
part of National Missile Defense system of the USA.

For nearly two years we have been involved in a non-violent struggle to
prevent our government from participating in this dangerous project.
However, in spite the fact that two thirds of Czechs oppose this project
our government continues the negotiations with the US government and is
nearing to signing the treaty at the beginning of June. In fact, the
treaty was supposed to be signed by US secretary of state Condoleezza
Rice and the Czech government on May 5. The date has now been postponed
by one month, but the plan remains the same.

Therefore with a couple of friends in the Humanist movement we have
decided to start a hunger strike against this plan. My friend Jan Bednar
and I have started the hunger strike on Tuesday May 13 and we would like
to ask for your support.

We know that there are many people, political parties and organizations
across Europe and the world who disagree with the armament projects of
the current US administration. We believe that you are one of them.
Therefore we would like you to join us in this nonviolent protest.

There are groups in Italy, Germany, Hungary, Spain, United States,
Netherlands, Australia, United Kingdom, Denmark and other countries
already holding events to support our hunger strike, to show solidarity
and to express their opposition to the US Missile Defense project. Most
of them have set up permanent tents where they are collecting signatures
under the online petition www.nonviolence.cz against the radar and some
are even on solidarity hunger strikes themselves. They are in touch with
local media and are informing them about their activity and the dangers
of the missile defense system.

We believe that by acting together we have a possibility to stop this
project. The position of our government is very weak and so strong
international opposition can make them change their position on this
issue. So your help is of importance.

If it is not possible for you to establish a permanent presence
somewhere in your town or city, but still want to support us, please
send us a letter expressing your support and please send letter of
protest to Czech embassy, your government, European parliament, etc.

It is very important that media gives space to our protest.

Thank you for any kind of support and letâEURO(tm)s stop this project together!

Jan Tamáš, jan.tamas@humanisti.cz, +420 776 785 839

Humanist movement
Czech Republic